Dissappearing churches, Chapter 2: 1,200 year-old basilica surfaces in Syria

Funny story written by queen mudder

Friday, 14 November 2008

image for Dissappearing churches, Chapter 2: 1,200 year-old basilica surfaces in Syria
The basilica is the foruth to materialise in Palmyra according to scientists

Aleppo - (X-Files Mess): The bizarre saga of the vanishing Russian church that suddenly materialised near the Pentagon's Area 51 alien base in Roswell, Nevada, took a sinister new twist today.

Reports from Syria allege that the preserved remains of a 1,200 year-old basilica originally built near St Petersburg, Russia, have just appeared in the ancient Syrian town of Palmyra.

The structure is festooned with bizarre hieroglyphs that resemble an earth-bound flight plan from the Dog Star Sirius and ufological symbols relating to space/time continuum warping.

The church is the fourth to be discovered in Palmyra according to a joint Syrian-Polish archaeological team from the region's Antiquities and Museums Department.

Waalid al-Assaad, the Department's CEO said today that the edifice's base measures some 51 by 30 yards and supports 20 foot columns buttressing the walls that extend some 49 feet.

"Whoever is behind these materialisations may also be the master corn-circle etcher whose existence is a Pentagon classified state secret," Prof al-Assaad said today.

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