Euro Trash Beauties Diss Putin and His Gaz Prom!

Funny story written by Pointer

Friday, 14 November 2008

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Euro Trash Whore sniffs new Prince Caspian Gas

Euro Trash beauty Whores have been hooked on Vladimir Putin's Russian Gas. One emaciated stunner after another told thespoof.addict that they didn't think they could live without Vlad's Vaporous Gases.

But that was before European Union leaders stepped in to arrange novel gas deals. " Soon we will not need to go to the GazProm with Vlad the Gasplyer!", Eurounion gas czar, Beans Methane.

News gas deals are being hooked up from Caspian Sea post soviet sources. Soon Euro Union Gas addicts will be swimming in rich non-Russian vapors. An unnamed source explained that Mexican frijoles were the true source of the new Euro gas supplies.

An anonymous Mexican gas source said, "Long live Trotsky!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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