Perverts masquerading as democrats says Human Frights Watch

Funny story written by queen mudder

Friday, 1 February 2008

image for Perverts masquerading as democrats says Human Frights Watch
The Poodle Brothers: joined at the hip says the HFWO

London - (Diabolical Mess): The despot-watching Human Frights Watch Organization has issued its annual report slamming so-called democracy-peddling Global Piss Process luminaries as self reinvented cold war perverts bankrolled by organised crime.

Top of the manure pile is the Bush family the report states, closely followed by its materfamilias parent company the IRA Puppet Monarchy of the UK. Also nesting close to the apex is the military-branch of the Vatican, the Opus Dei organization and its mind-warp division the Church of Scientology.

Special mention is given to Russia's President Vladimir Sputum, London Mayor Ken Fibbingstone, Cherie Blair and Egypt's Hosni Mubarak.

The HFWO traditionally gives star-ratings to the worst offenders similar to the method used by the Michelin Good Food Guide.

This year however it has had to abandon the scheme after the entry under the Bush family became so inundated it amounted to virtually an entire galaxy of stellar ratings.

"But we got him by the short 'n' curlies folks!" HFWO editors said today.

"Hope you enjoy the Chinese New Year as much as we will!"

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