Cat attacks Goblin

Funny story written by Jesus Budda

Friday, 31 August 2007

image for Cat attacks Goblin
It's usually such a happy creature

An irate cat assaulted a defenseless Goblin in an abandoned warehouse in Washington, DC yesterday.

The cat, a Persian kitty with a vicious temper took out it's rage in an unprovoked attack which saw the Goblin being taken away on a magic carpet to hospital where he received 900 stitches.

"The poor thing was in shreds", declared eyewitness Beverly Hoskins, "blood was all over the pavement".

Why the Goblin was in the area of the abandoned warehouse, or indeed why the female eyewitness was in such an area, remains a mystery, but the assailant remains on the loose.

"We're hunting for a female cat-casian, medium build,approximately 4 years old and with excessive hair", said detective Ron Rollins of the Washington PD, "we would warn all citizens to be on high alert and to approach with extreme caution. This thing is an animal".

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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