China's Wen Jiabao blamed for the recent rise in pork price!

Funny story written by liming

Monday, 28 May 2007

image for China's Wen Jiabao blamed for the recent rise in pork price!
Haw - Me so plicey!

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, in April live pigs nationwide were priced 71.3 percent higher than a month earlier, and pork, 29.3 percent higher, largely due to tightened supply.

"We have noticed the recent rise in pork price, and the government is going all out to ensure the supply of pork and keep it affordable," Wen told a crowd in a supermarket during his visit in Xi'an on Saturday for an investigation into pig-raising and pork market.

But his opponents think it is too late. As the Xinhua news agency quotes, one said "pig raisers kept making losses over the past couple years and they are reluctant to raise pigs. This led to a marginal decline in population of live pigs for the current year" .

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