Johnny Depp to blame as Pirates halt food aid shipments.

Funny story written by matthatt

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

image for Johnny Depp to blame as Pirates halt food aid shipments.
One of the props used to dress up as a pirate.

Deliveries of food aid to Somalia by sea have been halted, after an attempt by pirates dressed as pirates to seize a ship chartered by the UN food relief agency.

The head of the World Food Programme said their programme to feed one million Somalis is under threat by Johnny Depp and his careless portrayal of Pirates as a happy band of seafaring rum monkeys.

"This just isn't so" said a spokesperson for the UN "I can't believe that Mr Depp could be so irresponsible as to promote these highwaymen of the seven seas. They aren't interested in chasing each other around looking for buried treasure, they actually want to steal things and hurt people. Is this the kind of thing we are to expect from roles models like Depp, Orlando Bloom or that young lad with googly eyes that was in the office?"

Maritime security experts who have been monitoring piracy along the Somali coast say investigations have revealed that the pirates are dressing up as pirates in an effort to make people think that they are pirates. They then sail around in ships looking for other ships to act like pirates on.

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