Ultra paranoid U.S. Defense Department officials freaked out earlier this year when they found what they believed to be spy technology embedded within a harmless Canadian 25 cent piece.
A commemorative Canadian quarter, possessing a red poppy in its center overlaid a Canadian maple leaf, was thought to possess nano-technology which could track the movements of visiting American officials. It is, in fact, a coin from 2004 commemorating Canadian soldiers lost in battle.
Presently, there is no such American coin commemorating American officials that have obviously lost their minds.
The suspicious coins were given a barrage of tests including laser tracking and explosive decompression, but it was discovered that the coins only power was to purchse items at stores and food machines or perhaps make a telephone call from a handy telephone booth.
Embarrassed U.S. officials are now shrugging off their original concerns, too red-faced to admit their mistakes.
Asked to comment, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper answered with, "HA, HA! Made you look!"