Obese Aussie rats blame humans for getting stuck in drains!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

image for Obese Aussie rats blame humans for getting stuck in drains!
Fat twats feeding fat rats ain't good for the environment!

Modern day garbage is causing a fat epidemic in subterranean Australia. In the past, rats fed on discarded, rotting cabbage leaves, stinking fish rests, Brussels sprouts, and so on. In fact, a healthy, calorie-reduced diet.

However, human food consumption has drastically changed, and rats all over the globe, except in many African countries, are beginning to show the consequences of a high-calorie, human junk food diet!

Australia is one country that has an exploding fat-rat fraternity, which is getting fatter and fatter. Nocturnal 'fat-rats', in their attempts to raid garbage bins are now getting stuck in manholes and having to be cut free by firemen! Local councils have ordered manhole builders to increase the size of the holes in their manholes. However, this is detrimental to fancy young ' female chics' wearing mega high-heel stilettos!

The Aussie RSPCA has given a global warning that fat rats are too fat to sprint down drain holes like Usain Bolt once did - sprint, I mean. They are also becoming too fat to escape 'fat cats', and the RSPCA fear that the fat-rat epidemic could cause blockages in global sewer systems, which would really cause a 'stink'!

As for the fat-rats, they don't give a shit, because they have evolved like humans. The only difference is, they do not get tooth decay, fill up two seats on aeroplanes, cost billions to global health systems, and last, but not least, fill up garbage cans with tons and tons of high-calorie crap and plastic!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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