Saddam Hanging Video Official Offered Contract

Funny story written by Andrew PK Yap

Wednesday, 3 January 2007

image for Saddam Hanging Video Official Offered Contract
The Hanging will take place in this *Secret Location*

Jan 3, Baghdad - Disney has confirmed offering the official that shot Saddam's Hanging Video a contract to shoot the hanging of Saddam's co-defendants this Thursday.

The publicists for Disney said under condition of anonymity.

He refused to disclosed the amount that Disney will pay the official for exclusive footage and will only say that it is between US$999,999 and US$1,000,001.

"Arrangements to secretly place hidden cameras in the execution chambers are ongoing as we speak," Disney's publicists said.

"We have to do this secretly as it is against Iraqi laws to film the hangings."

The footage will be shown live on Disney's channel. It will be relayed by satellite links.

Bush's chef speaking on condition on anonymity has confirmed that he has been told to prepare snacks and beer for the president and a few hundred guests including Rumsfeld at the expected time of the hanging.

Bush's press secretary speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed that Bush was peeved he did not get to watch Saddam's hanging live.

The writer, Andrew PK Yap will never reveal the name of his sources, so there is no need to ask him.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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