Batman and Superman Clones

Funny story written by foodallyoucan

Wednesday, 13 April 2016


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image for Batman and Superman Clones

In the aftermath after the worldwide showing of Batman vs Superman, there has been a slew of duos or partners everywhere in the face of the earth who don Batman and Superman costumes and then partner together and walk on the streets, on the beaches, everywhere.

There is this husband and wife team in San Francisco who were strolling at the Fisherman's Wharf. The husband was wearing the Superman uniform and the wifey was in Batman's cape. "It was easier to disguise as a woman in a Batman cover because he has a mask. I just taped up my breasts," the smiling lady said. "And we are definitely DC fans. Boo to Marvel characters," chanted the husband.

Up in Seattle, on a streetside coffeshop, while it is raining, two buddies sit together sipping their espressos in their Caped Crusader and Strongest Man costumes. They attract some surprise glances from other coffeshop patrons and sidewalk pedestrians, but by and large, life goes on for all of them.

"I like Superman because he gets to beat up all the bad guys. I will keep all the kryptonite so that i will be invincible", sneered Larry, the guy from Krypton. "Yeah, but Batman is more realistic. He gets to use his brains more because he is a mere human, but that's really incredible, isn't it? Going beyond expectations," Mark the Bat said.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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