Pope building showers and Brazilian waxing spa for 'homeless' altar boys

Funny story written by queen mudder

Friday, 6 February 2015

image for Pope building showers and Brazilian waxing spa for 'homeless' altar boys
Some sisters from religious orders

Rome - Some pre-War pubic restrooms in the Catacombs have been given a makeover by the Pope with the installation of three showers, a barber's and a dumb waiter for homeless altar boys in need of a scrub.

Clients, some as old as fourteen or fifteen, will each receive a Vatican-monogrammed handout consisting of a towel, condom, change of underwear, change of soap, toothpaste, deodorant.

And homeopathetic shaving stuff.

Morning showers are scheduled for every day except Wendesday when the mobile Pizza bus arrives in St Peter's Square for the Pontiff's general audience (think webcam!).

Local tabloid Corriere de la Que Sera Sera sources said this evening the new Papal gaff will be staffed by barbers volunteering to work on their daze off.

Students from the local beauty school will also be involved mostly by donating their time, blood and other bodily fluids... as well as 'some sisters' from religious orders and other volunteers.

Commenting on the project the Pope's senior internet groomer said it's all highly
necessary since altar boys are often shunned over their appearance and smell.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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