Blame Russia and Putin (BRAP) Day to become annual rite and special holiday like July 4

Funny story written by joseph k winter

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

image for Blame Russia and Putin (BRAP) Day to become annual rite and special holiday like July 4
BRAP Day souvenir as trash can

A new movement for a special day of celebration is popular with the President, backed by Senator McCain, with enthusiasm showing in the mainstream press.

The Blame Russia and Putin Day, or BRAP Day, is gathering steam.

A summer day, probably in August, is likely for special celebratory vilification and a new national holiday.

Enthusiasm for the idea includes product development, as with the BRAP lighter, in the form of a miniature AK-47 assault rifle.

This special lighter makes a continuous brraaaappp! noise when clicked, plus throws a strong flame which has caused several injuries at prototype levels.

A housewife in Ohio, part of the initial customer experimental team, blew herself and two children up while lighting her gas stove with it.

This collateral damage has drawn a cautioning statement from the lighter manufacturer to put flame setting on low for most functions.

Another product expected to be a big hit on BRAP Day is a bobble head of Mr. Putin smiling, red horns sprouting from forehead.

BRAP Day will include contests held by local and national media for lists of blames holding Russia's and Putin's feet to the fire.

In turn, winning lists may influence the President toward applying more sanctions.

Example of a list:

*responsible for recently shooting down the Malaysia airliner.

*responsible for the previous Malaysia airliner gone missing.

*responsible for re-initiating Cold War tensions despite Mr. Obama's fervent efforts toward peace.

*responsible for interrupting Mr. Obama's plans to bomb Syria, although that project turned out based on false information and made the President look bad.

*responsible for recent flooding in China and the Philippines.

*responsible for Mr. Obama's ongoing migraines affecting his golf game.

*responsible for hostilities in Ukraine, including the rip in Victoria Nuland's slacks when she sat down on a nail during her last visit.

BRAP Day will be accompanied by military parades and special MSM programming on Soviet atrocities.

Drumming kits will be available for the children.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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