Iraq To Change Baghdad's Name

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

image for Iraq To Change Baghdad's Name
The Iraqi city of Baghdad is getting a brand new name.

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A spokesperson for the Iraqi government has said that Iraq will be changing the name of the capital within the next two months.

Jafsul Kiflar told the world news media assembled in Baghdad that Baghdad's new name will be Sand City.

He stated that the name is more politically correct plus it is much easier to spell and pronounce.

Kiflar stressed that the process will take roughly 8 months to change all of the city names that are on buildings, signs, camel shops, and on city buses.

Reports are that both President Obama and President Putin informed the Iraqi government that they were against the name change.

The Iraqi government responded by saying that the names Yekaterinburg and Albuquerque don't exactly roll off the tongue.

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