Indian media outlets are much less discerning when it comes to reporting real news and has allowed some high-profile spoofers' stories to pass as real news. And, as usual, Fox News and other right wingnuts are taking the bait, hook, line and sinker.
The latest story, that the Obamas are spending $200 million a day on their trip to India has the Republican camp quite lathered up, so much so that they didn't stop to figure out exactly how much that much is, except, of course for Glenn Beck, who added a zero for the 10 days the trip would last and determined that Obama was spending $2 billion dollars on the entire trip. Man that is some Marrakesh Express Card the President has. Must be titanium.
Speaking of whoppers, the Bombay Burger King franchise has spared no expense in making the most expensive hamburger in the country for the Obamas' visit. The workers serving the burgers and fries are said to be outsourced at a total cost of $340,000 apiece due to the fact that Indian workers won't touch beef. Added to the bottom line, those burgers are gonna cost a fortune.
The Indian spoofsters also reported that when not craving overpriced American fast food, the President and Mrs. Obama will be dining on only the most expensive fare in the land. The ordinary crickets will be stuffed with caviar and the asparagus puffs will be dusted with gold at a cost of at least $2 million per plate.
And don't forget the shopping trips. Mrs. Obama is said to be having a wardrobe of saris spun out of golden thread. The reports claim she likes the high neckline. Special silk worms at a cost of $50,000 apiece will be killed for their thread to weave the scarves that will accompany the saris.
Yes, this is one presidential junket that Americans will be remembering for a long time. Exactly how long does it take to pay off just one of those saris? Reporters claim each American will have to work from January 1st to February 12th, or approximately 31 working days in order to pay for the least expensive, least ornate of the dozen or so that Michelle has specially ordered. But hey, those reporters claim the American people are happy to do it. They so want their first lady to look extraordinary in public. Or so it's being reported.