Today President Obama and 2000 of his closest friends embark on a working vacation trip to the Far East. Upon arriving in Mumbai, he and his entourage will stay at the 5 star Taj Mahal Palace where rooms start at $400-$500 per night.
With American tax-payers picking up the tab, an Indian newpaper estimated that it would cost us around $200,000,000 per day to provide transportation, rooms, food, beverages and security for this group.
When Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked if this figure included a 20% gratuity, he replied that it did not, but that the Indians would consider a $40,000,000 tip from the World's richest nation an insult.
To prevent the snooty Indian help from raising disdainful eyebrows, they will tack on an addition $10,000,000.
"Small potatoes when you have a $3,000,000,000,000 deficit. We can print that up in about 20 minutes."