Obama Confession

Funny story written by Spicewood

Friday, 5 November 2010

image for Obama Confession
Barack's Nephew

An undisclosed source in the Black Op Division of the Secret Service revealed recently that last New Years Eve, in a "relaxed" moment, President Obama revealed to a group of Black Op Agents that he was not a citizen of this country, and, in fact, was not black, but was Mexican.

He further disclosed that he was born in Tijuana, Mexico. He said that his mother was a prostitute and his father was a drug dealer and supplier of drugs and "women" to Southern California.

"I spent a lot of my early life at Rosarito Beach, Dad had an office there, and later on, Mom had some girls working for her in that area. She often supplied girls for various functions in Los Angeles, and I actually got interested in politics when I took a bus load of girls to a big Democratic Convention being held there."

"I figured I had no chance in politics in the states as a Mexican, so I had Dr. Miguel Alamandoro perform an operation on me which turned my skin brown, and I became a Negro. I crossed the border at Tijuana, made my way East, and with Dad's money, was able to buy some diplomas, and through his Chicago connections, was able to get into politics. The rest is history."

He chortled and told us that is why he is so liberal on letting his relatives from South of the border into the country. He told us many were his cousins.

He winked at us and told us that no one would believe the story if we told anyone. "Just keep it under your sombrero," he quipped.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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