When the most Powerful nation in the world elected 'some black dude' to be its head of state, the rest of the world mouthed a collective: "mmmm shiney!" Now, as Barak Obama faces one of the biggest mid-term defeats in US history, supporters are asking, where did all go wrong, and how exactly did the wheels come off the Obama Machine?
Obama activist and political commentator Buff Clinkenhouser encapsulates the thoughts of many Democratic voters, "We thought he [Obama] was, like, Martin Luther King, Ghandi and Nelson Mandela all rolled into one. Turns out, he might just be a regular guy."
It's certainly true that circumstances have conspired against Obama: The steaming pile of doggy doo left by the outgoing administration, the world financial crisis, and the Gulf Oil Spill, have all played their part in taking the shine off Obama's helmet. It seems that even Super 'Rak can't polish a turd.
America, It seems, has fallen out of love with President Barak Obama. As one pundit put it, "American voters are waking up from a collective hangover and wondering, Just what did I do last night, and who the hell is that lying next to me?"