Bristol Palin Calls It Quits After Levi Johnston Flirted With Chelsea Clinton

Funny story written by Bureau

Saturday, 7 August 2010

image for Bristol Palin Calls It Quits After Levi Johnston Flirted With Chelsea Clinton
"Hello Levi!"

In the continuing saga of 'The Palins', on again, off again, on again and now off again, Bristol Palin has called off wedding plans with Levi Johnston.

Apparently Levi was one of those 'secret' people that were invited to the Chelsea Clinton marriage where he seemed to be hitting on Chelsea Clinton in photographs.

"Along with the fact that Levi may have fathered a child after we split up, this is once too often for me", stated Bristol. "His going over to the enemy with the Clintons is too much."

Levi, of course, stated that all he did was to talk to Chelsea whom he has met on several occasions.

And the baby? Is it his?

"I don't know, but it could be. I was honest and up front with Bristol."

Sounds like he's being 'up-front' with a lot of people including Chelsea Clinton.

When asked about the guy going for Chelsea at her own wedding, Chelsea Clinton's dad, Bill stated "Levi was going after Chelsea at her own wedding? You know, I'm beginning to like that young man."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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