Man Offers Butt For Advertising On eBay

Funny story written by Moral Volcano

Friday, 18 February 2005

Advertising on human bodies hit rock bottom yesterday when a 44-year-old US man offered ad space on his derriere to the highest bidder on the website eBay.

In January this year, Andrew Fischer from Omaha, Nebraska, created a sensation by making $30,000 after he offered advertising space on his forehead. Subsequently, Angel Brammer from Scotland offered space on her cleavage for a period of 15 days.

And this month, a pregnant woman in South Carolina auctioned off the space on her growing stomach. Perhaps, it should have been expected that this form of advertising descend to much lower depths.

Bwig Moran, living in Tampa Bay, Florida, said he would have a non-permanent logo or brand name tattooed on his behind for 30 days. Mr. Moran said he would accept any brand name or logo. "I wouldn't mind going around with 666, the mark of the beast." Mr. Moran said he also had no objection to adult websites or stores.

Mr. Moran said he initially thought of putting a sign on the front of his groin but had to drop the idea because his body would not "stand up to the task." Hence, he decided to offer his ample rear for advertising. Mr. Moran said he had been following the progress of bodyspace advertising closely and decided to be the first one to take up advertising around the trunk area. He said he would like to be remembered as the pioneer of "buttspace advertising."

Mr. Moran said he plans to spend his earnings from the auction on beer, as he makes quite a lot of money from his "business." Friends of Mr. Moran say he sells sunglasses from a booth in the beach, where "he almost always presents himself naked." They also think he can be quite effective in his advertising venture, as he is a permanent fixture on the beach and a lot of people visit his stall just to see him. On his web page on eBay, Mr. Moran had claimed that his rear has been seen on network television. His friends says he achieved this feat by interrupting a reporter performing a live broadcast.

At the time of going to press, Mr. Moran said he had received 39 bids so far, with the largest bid currently at more than $322 (£171).

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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