ATLANTA - The Fox Network has just released a press statement saying that they have just signed rapper Kanye West and racketer Serena Williams to star in their own reality show tentatively titled, We Be 2 Fools.
Fox executive Dryden K. Reifenbrite said that the fact that West and Williams both had recent unbelievably embarrassing public outbursts had nothing at all to do with their decision to pair the two W&W wonders. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Yeah, right.]
Reifenbrite said that they had been talking to the two about starring in their very own reality show since before Valentine's Day (Feb. 14). [EDITOR'S NOTE: See above EDITOR'S NOTE.]
A reporter for The New York Detailer Dispatch Amber Sugarcreek asked Kanye if he thought that his jumping up on the stage and taking away the microphone from Taylor Swift as she was giving her acceptance speech was cool.
Kanye smiled and said that it all depends on what your definition of cool is.
Sugarcreek just shook her head and right away Kanye jumped all over her telling her not to be shaking her honkey head at him.
She replied that she was not shaking her honkey head at him and that he is going to have to learn some manners before somebody like Toby Keith kicks his ass all the way from Atlanta to Chattanooga.
Kanye said that he could take the tall cowboy with no effort. Sugarcreek said that she heard that the Oklahoma cowboy is going to be looking for him and when he does find him he is going to show him just exactly how tough he (Kanye) ain't.
West uttered an unintelligible word and said that when he gets through with the Okie from Muskogee he will head on over to Alabama with a banjo on his knee and then he'll go down to the Swanee River and visit the cornbread-eating old folks.
Just as he said that Serena walked over and asked Kanye why he was all upset. He turned to Serena and told her that he doesn't know what it is but all these white girls just keep picking on him.
Serena said that she knew what he was talking about because she herself had gotten into a mess with a little bitty South Korean tennis judge at her last tennis match.
Sugarcreek told her that the judge was from Laos and not South Korea. Serena said Laos, South Korea, Chinatown, what the hell is the difference?
Kanye chimed in that the difference is that the South Korean's eat rice. When told that the Laotians and residents of Chinatown also ate rice West got indignant and stated that the Laotians and Chinatown residents eat a type of grain that looks like rice, but it really isn't rice.
Kanye then told Sugarcreek that when she sees Toby Keith to tell him that when Kanye West gets through with him he is going to look like the white male version of Amy Winehouse.
Sugarcreek told him to turn around and he can tell Toby himself. West peed in his pants as he slowly turned around.
Sugarcreek and Serena broke out laughing. Serena was laughing so hard that one of her ovaries popped right out and rolled onto the floor. Sugarcreek walked over to it. She picked it up and handed it back to Serena.
Serena took it and said that it must have come loose when she was doing all the damn screaming and hollering at the South Korean judge.
In other news. Elton John, 62, has just stated that he is in the process of adopting a Ukrainian orphan. The orphan is 37.