Balls to that says Serena amid 'hermaphrodyke' line judge call

Funny story written by queen mudder

Sunday, 13 September 2009

image for Balls to that says Serena amid 'hermaphrodyke' line judge call
Williams's panties frothing with testosterone

Blushing Meadows - (Caster Semen-ya Mess): Tennis ace Serena Williams has tested positive for hermaphrodykism after slamming a line judge's footfault call a load of old balls.

The world number two seed suffered a menopausal hot flush spasm when the tournament referee joined in the fracas branding her a mean-assed lesbian ho.

Hawkeye footage replay shows Williams's panties frothing with testosterone as the final set slanging match went into injury time.

The former world champion also faces $$$s in fines but is confident of recouping the money - and some! - after posting the footage on internet auction site eGay.

Maria Sharapova is coming over later for a therapeutic rub-down at Williams' Muff Empress Suite hotel rooms.

That particular score remains at love-all.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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