WASHINGTON, DC - President Barack Obama rarely let's his anger get the best of him. Nonetheless, Obama released the text of his Saturday afternoon radio broadcast to reporters in the White House Press Room today, something he has never done thus far in his presidency.
Obama will tell the nation that healthy debate over healthcare is an important part of the political process. He is not a radio talk show host as is right-wing nutcase Rush Limbaugh, who he obviously dislikes; but he understands that Limbaugh reaches an audience almost completely at odds with his policies.
"That is politics; that freedom of speech is uniquely American," the President wrote in his radio text.
"Limbaugh can call me a Nazi, a mulatto, a socialist, or whatever he wants to call me, and certain people will listen to him and agree with him. Whether he likes it or not, I am the President, and I will execute my office as I see fit. The voters will decide if my policies are, or are not, to their liking."
The text of the President's remarks went on to state that health care reform is going to happen regardless of what Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter or the rest of the right-wing says or threatens. It would appear that the President will work to find a solution or a compromise with or without the Republican minority's input. And it is clear Obama would like to find a common ground between his party and the Republican Party regarding health care and budgetary issues.
But, Obama is one pissed off mo'fo, bro!
"You know, for a drugged out, fat ass, reactionary, Limbaugh talks nothing but crap. He leads no one, anywhere except back to a time in American history that excluded most people from achieving the American Dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," Obama said.
"I'm telling Limbaugh right here and right now; if I want anymore shit out of you, I'll cut off your head and dip it out with a spoon. Now, Rush, pop a few Viagra so you can go fuck yourself."