Michael Savage, the Talk Radio Network presenter whose name has appeared on a list of people to be banned from entering the UK, has proposed that the UK Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, be similarly banned from entering the US.
Savage, real name Michael Weiner, claims that Ms Smith has put his life at risk by adding his name to a list of Britain's Least Wanted, a roster of people who have fostered extremism or hatred.
The 22-strong list includes such nasty people as Hamas MP Yunis Al-Astal and 'hate' preachers Wadgy Abd El Hamied Mohamed Ghoneim, Abdullah Qadri Al Ahdal, Safwat Hijazi and Amir Siddique.
Also on it are the murderer and Hezbollah terrorist Samir Al Quntar, and skinheads Artur Ryno and Pavel Skachevsky, who are currently serving ten years in a Russian jail for heading a gang that committed 20 racially-motivated murders.
Savage claims that Smith is a "lunatic", and should be barred at all US ports of entry because she is, in his words, "as bent as a nine-bob note", referring to the English idiom meaning "extremely corrupt".
Smith is currently at the centre of the 'MP's expenses row' which has alienated politicians in the UK away from the electorate, who now have no confidence in their representatives to behave properly and conduct their financial matters fairly.
Smith, it was, who claimed on her expenses for an 88p (1.32$) bath plug, and she was further humiliated when it emerged that her husband had included charges for several homeview porn videos on her claim.
Also on her claim were several other seemingly non-essential-to-government items, such as:
Barbecue (£39.99)
Outdoor heater (£104)
Plants for a terrace
Plant pots (£334)
Television (Samsung 32" flatscreen) (£370)
Washing machine (£320)
Toothbrush holder (£2.50)
Towel (price not known)
Doormat (£14)
White rope (£30)
Commentators in the UK say the Home Secretary has apparently made an attempt to deflect criticism from herself and her party. but that quite the opposite has resulted.
Conservative Shadow Home Secretary, Chris Grayling, said:
"What we need from the Government is not the gimmick of a name and shame list, but a consistent strategy on who can and can't come into the country."
Savage, presenter of The Savage Nation, informed his listeners that he now intended to sue the British government for defamation, and that Smith, herself, should be banned from entering the US under the premise that corruption is not welcome in the United States.