British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is once again in the news after being voted 'the sexiest babe' outside Afghanistan. The local Afghani camel and goat herders have called for her to appear naked in this months Playgoat (A popular lads mag).
Mohammed Muhammed Jones stated 'we say she is built like a goat and she look very sexy like a pussy, in Kabul we like stroking pussy, she is purrrfect!'
Smith has had a torrid time in recent weeks over her expense claims and the pornographic DVDs she and her partner have performed in.
Smith is chuffed and has said 'It started off as a hobby and I just love getting them out for the lads.'
Gordon Brown has reiterated the process of withdrawal of British troops from the province and is delighted at Jacquis popularity 'if this helps the peace process then the herders in Kabul can do all the stroking they like.'
In the poll - First was Jacqui, second was a goat called 50 cents and in third place was a cauliflower.