Taxachusetts Governor Proposes "Hummer Tax", Combat Zone Working Girls Call for Strike!

Funny story written by Morse

Sunday, 8 March 2009


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image for Taxachusetts Governor Proposes "Hummer Tax", Combat Zone Working Girls Call for Strike!
Most "Hum" Givers Will Stay Home and Sleep Rather than Pay New Taxes and Contribute to Growth of Failing Economy!

Boston, Ma./ Working Girl News, The Bling Report - Taxachusetts Governor Deval "Cadillac" Patrick proposed additional taxes this week to bail out his corrupt state sinking further into the mire of Government Spending, No-Show Jobs, and disability payments to Court Janitors, Firemen, and political relatives.

In addition to a proposed $.19 state gas tax, on top of the already heavy burden of a Federal Gas Tax, Patrick decided to go after practitioners of medical healing that serve clients without benefit of the appropriate license.

In proposing his "Hummer Tax", opponents claim he is now going to tax the last vestige of the entrepreneurial spirit in the Bay State, previously called the COMMONWEALTH, prior to the dissolving of the two party system by the Democrats led by the Kennedy Clan, the ilk of Barney Frank, John Kerry, a select group of the Irish Mafia, and certain pedophile Priests that control most of the tax free commercial and residential real estate in the region.

"Hummers" have become part of everyday life for the remaining few hardworking Americans trying to keep their head above water, and most non union workers budget for at least 2 Hummers a month to relieve stress and tension, and take sexual stress off their hardworking wives who are trying to keep their families together and no longer enjoy Sex.

Most Union Workers are addicted to the lottery, and are too busy fucking their employers while on the time clock to be bothered to seek gratification from a simple blow job on their own time.

House finance chairman, Barney Frank, says he has mixed emotions on the controversial bill, and that at this point, according to his aide Bruce, "Congressman Frank is inclined to go either way....." The congressman was seen last week in the Congressional Restroom taking a straw poll with his finger in the air and trying to check on which way the wind was blowing on the matter.

Long term effects of the tax, according to taxpayer groups, will serve only to drive political cock suckers further underground, and result in still more UNPAID TAXES by Democrats.

Libertarian and Green Party Members are excited with the prospect of an even enlarged underground economy, and are lining up at newly sprung up Flea Markets for Bartering. Vendors are ready to exchange an abundance of Home Grown Squash, Llama wool, sea weed from the South Dennis Beach, and Soy Milk for a few slick tunes from a mouth organ capable of whistling the theme from Here To Eternity at the same time continuing to beat a drum for Obama.

The man sure do have rhythm!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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