Man Saves Boy, Loses Job

Funny story written by Chuck Terzella

Tuesday, 15 June 2004

An alert office worker in Fort Worth, Texas is credited with saving a drowning child's life. Tom Bisner, a draftsman with an engineering firm was in his office Monday when a co-worker noticed three children playing on a rock dam. As Mr. Bisner watched he noticed one boy in the water, his arms flailing. Mr. Bisner raced down two flights of stairs, across a street and down a grass embankment, then dove into the water to rescue the boy who had drifted nearly 100 feet away from the dam by that point.

After accepting the thanks of the boy and the congratulations of Fort Worth fire fighters Mr. Bisner went home to change his clothes and returned to work where and the coworker were promptly fired for staring out the window when they should have been working.

A spokesman for the engineering firm who naturally refused to be identified said, " Sure, saving the little kid was great and all, but we have some pretty clear rules about employee breaks and clearly Mr. Bisner was not on break at the time of the rescue. We could have even let that slide, but the fact that he left work to go home and change his wet clothes was a clear violation of the rules. We're so backed up on our projects that every minute counts."

Mr. Bisner will also lose his health insurance, 401K plan and more than likely his house as he will probably fall behind on his mortgage payments, but happily the child is fine, a fact that can give Mr. Bisner comfort as he and his family apply for welfare.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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