(Crawford, TX) - President Bush spent Sunday morning goose hunting and the afternoon playing miniature golf on his Crawford, Texas ranch. Helen Thomas asked the president about the mounting U. S. soldier casualties in Iraq. Over 200 troops died in April and May.
"More dead soldiers and more instability and more terrorist attacks means we're having more success in Iraq," the President replied. "The terrorists are scared, so they're lashing out. We know the mission is accomplished when we have another domestic terror attack."
"Some elites only focus on the bad stuff in Iraq. We're building schools, and Muqtada al-Sadr has implemented shariah courts to deal with uncivilized evildoers," the president continued. "I look forward to visiting the 'chop-chop' square in Najaf. It will be like visiting my buddy CP Abdullee, after Rummy and me [sic] visit Pooty Poot. This spring, freedom blossoms in the heart of the middle east."
Ms. Thomas asked a follow up question if declaring an end to major combat a year ago was a mistake.
"A small group of insurgents who hate freedom are trying to derail the train to democracy in Iraq. Major combat ended last year when I said it ended. The majority of the Iraqi people want democracy and the U. S. troops to help them learn democracy. Anyone who says otherwise loves terrorism. Either you're with me, or you're against me," the President said.
Reporter David Gregory asked President Bush about the disagreement between the Coalition Provisional Authority and the Iraqi Governing Council over the next council president. "The Iraqi people will choose the best leader for themselves, like the American people did in 2000. If he gets too far out of line, the CIA will take care of him like they did Izzedine Salim."
After a follow-up question, presidential aide Pat Robertson interrupted, "You've answered enough trick questions today, Mr. President. It's time to get back to the people's business." Vice President Cheney held Bush's hand as he led him back to the ranch house.