At a French cafe just outside of Paris, President George W. Bush, who had ordered a meal of "steak and potatoes, Texas-style," was instead served a bowl of duck soup by the French waiter. When Bush questioned the waiter, Frenchy La French, about this apparent foul-up, "Hey, this looks like duck soup!," Frenchy replied, "How'd you guess?" That's all you get to eat here in France, and for that matter all over Europe: "La Duck Soup" for having snubbed your nose at your now ***former*** allies and having set back American-European Relations about 50 years by going to war with Iraq on a lie about non-existent WMD!"
Taken aback, Bush replied, "Boy, you French waiters are pretty well-educated. I've still got over 40% of the American public still believing that I wasn't lying to them about them WMD. Guess I better get back to Texas pronto!", to which Frenchy the waiter replied, "Yesterday, sir, or better yet, the day before that!"
Bush Eats Duck Soup in France
Funny story written by Linguini
Thursday, 10 June 2004

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.
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