Artist Sends Decorated Christmas Tree Balls To White House

Funny story written by Bureau

Friday, 12 December 2008

image for Artist Sends Decorated Christmas Tree Balls To White House

The White House will not display a set of Christmas tree ornaments that calls for President George W. Bush's impeachment and also that of Vice President Cheney.

The ornaments were made by artist Bedorah Flatulance, who says she wanted to honor Representative Jim McDermott, a Democrat and a longtime Bush foe who backs impeachment.

The nine-inch balls, submitted to the White House earlier this year, are covered with swirly red and white stripes and features a picture of McDermott. Tiny glued-on text salutes the impeachment.

When asked about details the artist said that two balls signified the total personalities of the Prez and his V.P.

While the President would not comment, V.P. Cheney said there were no hard feelings.

"She's the one with the balls to send them to us. I'm sure they'll put them up on a special tree in a special room there at Gitmo.

We wouldn't want to offend the muslims now, would we?"

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