Barak Obama's (or is it O'bama's) wheels of industry are gradually picking up speed. They are now taking shape in the form of an Irish Coffee shop called O'bamas. These shops are planned to be in every town and city in the USA within four years, selling only Kenyan coffee in various guises. It is thought they'll fill the void left by Starbucks which is to banned by the end of January.
As reported earlier, Kenyan coffee is now the coffee of choice in The US. Albeit Obama's choice, but the President elect wants to take full advantage of the opportunity that has come his way and sees it as a nice little 'earner'.
'What we'll have', Obama explains, 'is every style of coffee you can think off. Cappuccino, espresso, frothy etc but all made with delicious Kenyan beans. Oh, and not forgetting a very special coffee I've concocted myself. This speciality coffee is named an 'Irish Black Jock'. It's an Irish coffee style with cream on top, made from Kenyan Coffee of course, and a measure of Single Malt Scotch in it. I just so happen to own barrels of the stuff I liberated from the Scottish during our conflict'.
The first 'O'bama's Irish Coffee Shop' will be in Chicago and should be open by February. Barak Obama's cousin Cadaver Obama will travel over from Kenya for the official opening. Cadaver has been building a rather sizable coffee empire since his cousin Barak has taken Office. Although a minority of people have complained about Barak Obama's blatant corruption most people are still blinded by the hope the 'The Messiah' will wave his magic wand an solve the Country's problems overnight.
Randy As'ell the Spokesperson for Starbucks commented, 'to be honest, I doubt any Starbucks staff will be too bothered about it, most will be quite excited in fact. We've been promised our jobs will roll over to our new employers, O'bama's, plus they're giving us a 15% discount on all products purchased.
'I'm sure anybody with and franchise money tied up in Starbucks will be compensated for it. Barak Obama sure is a great guy for taking care of us'.