Bush Cheney Ticket Will Restore Integrity to the White House

Funny story written by drugtestallpoliticians

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

image for Bush Cheney Ticket Will Restore Integrity to the White House

Washington (IPP) - Reporters were taken on a time machine back to the 2000 presidential "election".

The central theme and the Republican talking points of the time revolved around the promise that Republicans will restore integrity back to the White House.

Their first act to is to steal the election with the help of useful idiots like the now long forgotten Florida State skank Catherine Harris. We can also thank the nine FASCISTS who sit on the not-so-supreme court who made a farce out of states rights and the entire election process and democracy. Gore and Kerry rolled over and played dead proving that both were simply lackeys and shills for the Republican party coming from the other side of the same political coin.

It was a strange variety of integrity where the top members of the U.S. government go and out and ID one of their CIA agents. How patriotic of them. The odd kind of integrity where attorney generals are replaced one after another for lies told to Congress and the American people. The kind of integrity where Bush and his sycophants tell the American public 935 lies leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of other folks. All of this happened with the blessing of America's religious right whose beliefs are often totally indistinguishable from those of the Taliban.

The reporters are transported back to this year's Presidential contest and what do they find? They find Democrats and Republicans more interested in conducting personal attacks against each other which reveal some disturbing truths and expose dirty laundry.

Truths like the fact that Hillary was a corporate lawyer for Walmart and Obama was an attorney for slum lords. On the Republican side we have religious quacks running for office who believe fairy tales about non-existant prophets visiting crazy people in the 1800's. McCain is called a coward for his Vietnam service. The same same McCain wants to make Americans become like folks in Nazi Germany who were required to carry national I.D. cards to be produced on demand at check points. Let's not forget Giuliani who stabbed his sick wife in the back and put the screws to New York's firefighters in more ways than one.

Its going to be a long election year and a much longer upcoming four years for Americans. Americans have no one to blame but themselves for being so naive as to believe that they are voting for their own interests in this or any other election. Americans have a short attention span and easily forget the empty campaign promises told to them by a pack of thieves who are only looking to get even richer than they already are.

Americans are easily distracted by lame and inane TV shows like American Idle and Deal or No Deal and by the cheating and boring New England Patriots and other phony sports events where the athletes are made of plastic and are pumped up with performance enhancing drugs.

The politicians will easily divide Americans and distract them from their growing loss of freedoms with scare tactics involving immigration and reports of a worsening economy. The only folks who will gain anything will be the politicians at the expense of everyone else. The destruction of America's middle class will expand and soon a small but high and mighty elite will have all of the wealth and will be gladly served by a drugged up servile class that take a dozen prescriptions everyday to keep them going. Don't bother these folks with the facts. They are too busy struggling to keep their heads above water and too distracted by Britney Spears and Regis to think about anything else.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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