Washington (IPP) - President G.W. Bush has had it with criticism over his economic incentive plan wherein only folks making over $100,000 a year will receive a tax rebate. He held an impromptu press conference this morning and announced that America's poor will deported.
Bush said that the poor will be rounded up at central receiving camps, processed, and then put aboard trains that will take them to the coast. Once they arrive at the coast they will be placed in special container ships and sent to the countries where their ancestors originated.
American Indians will be sent to China and Siberia due to the fact that this is where they originally came from before crossing the Beringia ice bridge over 20,000 years ago. All blacks will be sent to Africa and Mexico will receive all hispanics.
During the press conference Bush also stated that eventually anyone with liquid assets below a value of 10 million dollars will be asked to leave. He said that "asked" is the operative word here because these folks in the intermediate wealth range will be treated with a greater amount of respect due to them thanks to their status.
Bush says that his plan will make America strong and that he is relying on elements of Social Darwinism as the basis for what he described as the "semi-final solution" to the social and economic problems facing this nation. Bush also stated that there will be many positive spin-off effects that the residents who remain will enjoy. He cited things like less crime and more elbow room for all who are allowed to remain in the new utopia which will be called "Bushtapo Land".
A reporter asked the President-for-life about who will perform all of the services for the new utopia. Bush was taken off guard by this question and appeared to have the look of a deer caught in the headlights. Bush then turned around and whispered something into the ear of one of his security apparatus personnel and within seconds the inquisitive reporter was dragged from the scene. At this time Bush said, "anymore questions ?" There were none and the press conference was terminated.