Osama Bin Laden to Co-Host "The View"

Funny story written by fisherking

Saturday, 12 January 2008

image for Osama Bin Laden to Co-Host "The View"
Not Barack Obama

Barbara Walters has announced that in the coming weeks, Osama Bin Laden will serve as guest-host on "The View." Bin Laden approached Walters about the possibility following Joy Behar's comments last week about the absence of prophets in modern society.

"Osama feels a certain kinship to the misunderstood prophets that Joy spoke of," Walters explained, "and with the charisma he has repeatedly displayed on his self-produced videos, I feel that he would be a perfect fit on our panel."

The addition of Bin Laden is part of a concerted effort by the producers of "The View" to present a kinder and gentler program in the aftermath of former host Rosie O'Donnell's departure from the show last year.

Bin Laden will make his first appearance on the show later this month filling in for Walters while she receives her regular speech therapy treatments.

The news briefly sparked controversy when current co-host mistakenly believed that Barack Obama was to be the new co-host, but her concerns were quickly alleviated when she learned that the two men are not the same person.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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