Ouch! Did General Kelly just diss Melania Trump because she isn’t fluent in English? Will he next accuse Barron of being her anchor child? Kelly’s insults appear to shoot out of his mouth like a cocked gun that’s loaded and fired. Bang, bang! An empty vessel makes the loudest sound.
While Melania Trump has been in this country for over twenty years, and does not speak English with the clarity of Dame Maggie Smith, (incidentally, neither does Kelly or Donald Trump) General Kelly appeared to suggest that such immigrants, therefore, can not assimilate in the U.S. because of their failed language skills and should be stopped at the border.
General Kelly: Ever hear of Albert Einstein? And that is hear, not here, as your boss has a habit of misspelling in his tweets. Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. He was also a Jew fleeing the Nazis. Albert Einstein managed to assimilate.
People at the borders are also fleeing persecution. Given the choice, they would rather remain in their own homes and country and live happily ever after. Their countries do not have happily ever after as an option.
President John F. Kennedy’s grandparents fled Ireland and traveled to the United States due to England’s persecution of the Irish. General Kelly’s family share the same history. Both families managed to assimilate.
Kelly suggested that besides not speaking the language, many of these people do not have skills. Melanie Trump was not fleeing her country because of persecution. She appears to have been on an extended vacation and she decided to remain.
What skills did Melania have? She wasn’t a theoretical physicist, but given the opportunity, she could very likely make that leap. Every man or woman could. They may still have an accent, but so did Einstein.
People at the border want the same opportunity as given to Melania Knavs Trump. They're like everyone’s grandma or grandpa; except for Native Americans and African Americans.
Trump can build his walls, even erect one across the Canadian border, but all anyone really needs is a surf board, and welcome to America.
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