And here we go again; a man named Andrew out in California was arrested on July 28th for robbing a house because he forgot to flush the toilet. What a crappy to go!
No wonder why people today are the way they are. If you are attempting to rob a house and in mid-theft you need to use the John, then the most important thing you need to do is flush the toilet. I wouldn't bother spraying air freshener. You are robbing these jerks so you might as well leave the bathroom stinking! But flush the damn toilet! Now, this man is arrested for burglary.
But, this serves him right. If you are stealing from your neighbor you deserve to be caught and made fun of for the rest of your time on this planet. I hope his local sheriff's office is making him a scarlet D for dumb-ass! He can wear on a daily basis and when he is released into the public we can chortle at his misfortunes.
Well, at least he's a burglar that gives a $HIT!
I'll write again when something stupid happens. So, I'm sure it will be soon.