Celebrity Athiests To Lead Prayer Groups Against Trump

Funny story written by Keith Shirey

Friday, 16 September 2016

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Jack Nickelson, Steve Wozaniak, Jodie Foster, Bill Gates, Woody Allen, Seth Macfarlane, Steven hawking, Richard Dawkins Bill Mahr, Facebook Mark Zukerberg, Matt Damon and other famous atheists and agnostics are enlisting people to join prayer groups. They all say they will lead the prayers.

Using social media, they are organizing groups throughout the country to pray that Donald Trump not be elected President of The United States. The groups are open to the religious and particularly the 25% who have no religion.

Said Apple founder, Steve Wozaniak, "America is a celebrity culture where we are given huge respect by the people. People follow us. We can make it respectable for atheists to come out of the closet and, because Americans are celebrity crazy, the religious will want to join us."

Bill Mahr said he didn't believe in the efficacy of prayer but, "What the fu*k I'll try anything to stop a madman from getting into the White House and incinerating us all. Although you can be sure I'll go to the prayer groups totally stoned."

Sister Mary McCardle of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, said "I'd pray with the devil to stop Trump."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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