Kansas Fried Chicken Staff Deny Launching Doner Kebab Killing Drones

Funny story written by Auntie Jean

Monday, 9 February 2015

image for Kansas Fried Chicken Staff Deny Launching Doner Kebab Killing Drones
Non radicalised kebab this morning

What was claimed to be a U.S. made search and destroy drone was shot down by a SAM this morning. No casualties were reported. The drone "hit" was claimed by by Mustapha Badpun of the Doner Kebab staff.

A spokesman for the Turkish kebab house told our fast food team, "The sky has been black with drones these last few weeks. Obama thinks our kebabs are radicalised, but they are standard Turkish formula "off the peg ones", nothing to do with I.S. or any sinister organisation. They are just minced mutton, coriander, cumin, garlic and ginger, chilli powder and salt. I think there may be some M.S.G. in them but just a pinch.

We can see the drones taking off from the American Fried Chicken "drive through" car park every day. Do they think that they will sell more fried chicken if they bomb the hell out of all Eastern food outlets? Live and let live is what we say. If people want a doner they will buy a doner, if people want fried chicken they will buy fried chicken.

Obamadrone is what we call it. Since he became President, it has been nothing but drone, drone, fuckety drone every day, in more ways than one. He doesn't care personally, he eats all that "soul food crap".

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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