White House Admits Offensive 'YouTube Video' Behind Bergdahl Prisoner Swap

Funny story written by E. Williams

Thursday, 5 June 2014


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Washington - UN Ambassador Susan Rice made the rounds on the Sunday talk shows once again to announce that freed prisoner, Bowe Bergdahl, was released after a prisoner swap, involving five Taliban terrorists, after the Taliban threatened to release an embarrassing video on YouTube.

This is the second time the administration has used the 'YouTube video' excuse after making a mess of a situation due to their incompetence in dealing with real world, grown-up problems.

Ms. Rice, who has never been introduced to the truth about anything, was ordered to appear on the shows after the bang-up job she did regarding the Benghazi incident in 2012.

Believing the majority of Americans would buy whatever bullshit they are fed by the media, the White House felt they could use the YouTube video story again and nobody would notice.

Rice claimed the YouTube video was so sensitive that she couldn't even discuss the contents of the video on the Sunday shows.

Rumors are swirling that the video contains footage of the President in compromising positions. The mental picture that thought invokes is not one we even want to contemplate here.

The Taliban apparently threatened to go public with the video unless the "Gitmo 5" were released immediately.

The President demanded that he have something to show, politically speaking, for the release of the prisoners and the Taliban responded saying, "We will give you some white guy we've had for five years who likes to sex with goats. We think he's one of yours."

The President, who knew he'd been outplayed again, went along with the deal and told Rice to go on TV and make Bergdahl out to be a hero, which she did.

The White House is currently contemplating whether to blame the VA scandal on a YouTube video as well. As Ambassador Rice noted, "When you've got an alibi that works this good, you stay with it until it stops working for you." We are afraid she was being serious.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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