Resurgence of Woody Allen child molestation claims sits uncomfortably with Ecuador's latest corruption cheerleader Mia Farrow

Funny story written by queen mudder

Sunday, 2 February 2014


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image for Resurgence of Woody Allen child molestation claims sits uncomfortably with Ecuador's latest corruption cheerleader Mia Farrow
Farrow, Jagger, Styler and Kennedy all in line for whopping $40m cheerleading fees

New York - Last week 68 year old actress Mia Farrow joined a motley ragbag of Ecuador eco-corruption deniers such as Bianca Jagger, Kerry Kennedy and Trudie Styler as the latest cheerleader for Amazonbotch plaintiffs' bent lawyer Steven Donziger.

The women have been reportedly promised outrageous $40m paychecks each for publicising - and sanitising - Donziger's Ecuadorian scam, currently the subject of a huge racketeering and embezzlement lawsuit before the New York Southern District courts.

This weekend a resurgence of historic child molestation accusations by Woody Allen and Mia's adopted daughter Dylan has pus Farrow's relationship with the pervy moviemaker under the spotlight again.

"This is hardly the sort of publicity that Farrow needs right now," an editorial in today's New York Toast commented, "or, come to think of it, Steven Donziger himself."

Farrow has fought long and hard to distance herself from allegations by adopted daughter Dylan that she was aware of Allen's alleged paedo activities.

The claims themselves were never properly tested in a court of law due to prosecutors's fears of insufficient evidence if the case ever came before a jury trial.

"It leaves a nasty taste in the mouth, all this fraternising with the Donziger PR machine," the editorial continues, "something Ms Farrow might do well to consider as she and her fellow cheerleaders wait for their bumper payout."

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