Scientists say that what they thought, and what these ships thought we would think, were meteors, are actually spaceships.
"Undoubtedly they are from another planet or might even be a combination US/Russia deal where they try to unite the countries on earth to act together."
"No. They're spaceships Dr. Hester. No use buttering up the facts. We must calmly look at this as a way to expand our minds and...oh, Dr. Hester. We're All Gonna DIE!!!"
NASA has now confirmed the two ships.
"One is about a mile wide and the other about twice that size or two miles wide. Now we have seen a third between the two, no bigger than a rat's ass...well, in comparison."
"Shut your yap! We're all gonna die and you're talking about a rat's ass."
"I'm a scientist. I study all parts of the rat."
"Update from NASA. They ARE Meteors after all!"
"Only meteors? Whew! No spaceships, good....GIANT Meteors! We're all gonna DIE!"