AUSTIN - Sandra Bullock was in the backyard of her Austin mansion barbecuing some fajitas for herself and her 4-year-old son Louis.
Earlier she'd had a phone conversation with Carolina Chipotle of Bedroom Pillow Talk. Chipotle had asked her how she felt about the box office success of her new movie Gravity.
Bullock said she was thrilled to hear that it was doing so good but expressed the fact that she kind of hated making the film.
When asked why she explained that the damn astronaut suit weighed 95 pounds. She also said that all of that spinning made her seasick and twice she almost passed out when she saw how far away Earth was.
She quipped that she had never in her life drank so much Tang™. She said that luckily her space suit was equipped with a one gallon pee bag which she used during the filming process.
When asked about the rumors that her and her co-star Clooney may be entering into a relationship, Bullock shook her head. She said that although she loves George he only dates women who are much younger than her.
SIDENOTE: Sandra has already been approached about doing a sequel to Gravity to be called, Gravity 2: Talk About A Space Wedgie.