New Hampshire To Release 13,000 Hard Core Prisoners Due To Overcrowding

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 3 June 2013

image for New Hampshire To Release 13,000 Hard Core Prisoners Due To Overcrowding
New Hampshire prisons will be transporting 13,000 hardened criminals out of the state.

CONCORD, New Hampshire - The New Hampshire Penal Bureau has issued a statement that it is working out the details in which 13,000 hard core prisoners will be released.

NHPB Spokesperson Jefferson Tinpintootle told the news media that the state can no longer afford to house these convicts due to the fact that the cost is astronomical.

Tinpintootle stated that it is a question of either releasing 13,000 inmates from New Hampshire prisons or else raising the taxes on every taxpayer by 27 percent.

The spokesperson was told that releasing 13,000 convicted felons puts every man, woman, and child in New Hampshire in danger.

He shook his head and said that he could not agree with that assessment more.

He then told the media that state officials had met with the governor and discussed that very issue.

He explained that what is going to happen is that each one of the 13,000 prisoners is going to be transported by bus to Arizona.

When asked why to Arizona, Tinpintootle grinned and replied, "Hey, don't you boys read your own newspapers? Arizona is the home of Sheriff Joe 'Pinky' Arpaio who calls himself America's Toughest Sheriff."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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