NEW YORK CITY - The mayor of the Big Apple, Michael Bloomberg has just informed the news media that he has been in contact with several mayors of East Coast cities regarding the horrific blizzards.
He spoke with the mayors of Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Pittsburgh, and Newark, and they have devised a snow plan in regards to the snow situation.
Mayor Bloomberg stated that since there is going to be a tremendous amount of snow on the ground, hundreds of snow-gathering crews will be working round the clock to load the snow onto dump trucks where it will then be transported onto railroad gondolas.
The gondolas will be placed on trains bound for Colorado where the snow will end up due to the fact that this year Colorado (and its famed ski resorts) have not received as much snow as they normally do.
A spokesperson for The Colorado Skiers Coalition (CSC) Trixie Tina Harginhauser, 27, stated that the snow will then be sold by the state of Colorado to the various ski resorts including those located in Vail, Aspen, and Steamboat Springs.
Ms. Harginhauser, who is currently going through a messy divorce, went on to say that the lack of snow has kept a lot of the West Coast skiers away.
She did note that luckily the fact that marijuana is now legal in Colorado did help to off set the lack of snow as tens of thousands of individuals are visiting The Rocky Mountain State because of the legality of pot.
In Celebrity News. John "The Player" Mayer told Hollywood Innuendo that right now he is 93 percent certain that he will not be dumping girlfriend Katy Perry before Valentine's Day.