New York - "Someone at the US National Hurricane Center sure has a bizarre sense of humor," is how one New Yorker put it today as the year's worst super-storm barreled up the Eastern Seaboard.
Hurricane Sandy is thought to be named after former Clinton/Gore National Security Advisor Sandy Berger who in 2005 pleaded guilty to filching classified documents from Washington's National Archive.
Papers snatched from the classified archives were defined as relating to 'suspected government knowledge aforethought' about the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
A $50,000 slap-on-the-wrist, two years probation, 100 hours of community service and three years loss of security clearance saw Berger relinquish his hard won law licence.
The resignation meant that US Bar Counsel super-sleuths were unable to cross-examine Berger 'about all kinda stuff' - including 'loads' of secret documents about George W Bush.
A 2006 diary entry by US Justice Department Inspector General Paul Brachfeld noted that classified documents stolen by the ex-National Security Advisor were cunningly hidden at a construction site:
"Berger said he placed the papers under some trailer trash in an accessible construction area outside the main Archives building," Brachfield wrote.
Little wonder the hurricane has been named after after him.