Controversial Weather Terms rethought

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Saturday, 13 August 2011

image for Controversial Weather Terms rethought
Some lightning.............

Following recent rioting, the BBC has decided not to use various terms in their forecasts. 'Riot Friendly evening' was said to be a possible goer at one point, as was 'A fine night for taking something that is not yours, because everyone else is doing it'.

'Rained off Rioting' was said to be in consideration, until bad weather actually calmed down events. 'Oodles of Poodles and ward of the cats with a cricket bat' was said to be in consideration when heavy rain was forecast, whilst 'Snow, snow, better not go' and 'Rain, best stay in the dry' will be introduced in 2013, after the Olympics have finished.

A BBC Weather Spokesman told us: 'We have decided to stay safe with our terms, and Rain, Snow, Wind, Sun, Showers, Dribs and Drabs, Spits and Spots, Tornado, and 'Best keep your Vest' for very cold days will be our phrases of choice this year. It is not particularly adventurous. This is the BBC after all. They have not taken any real risks since 1973'.

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