Talks with Arab leaders planned over riot tactics

Funny story written by j.w.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

image for Talks with Arab leaders planned over riot tactics
Putting an end to Riots

In a reversal of policy Britain is altering its policies in the Middle East. President Assad is high on the list of those receiving friendly calls - talks are likely to follow where discussion on how to deal with rebels will be high on the agenda.

Use of tanks, at this stage, in Britain is thought unlikely but an inside source has told us that 'withdrawing troops from Afghanistan is becoming a high priority'.

One fear is that evicting families of young people found guilty of crimes in the recent riots could escalate the problems - but use of concentration Camps is being investigated so no one becomes homeless.
A site near a nuclear power station is being cleared.

Prisons, already at bursting point, are gearing up for an influx of looters and rioters. Prison Governor, Howard Terse has announced the development of Adventure Playgrounds in his Jail. 'Clearly these lads like a bit of adventure' he said 'and we can give it to them. We will change them from aggressive teenagers to responsible adults by teaching them to pilot helicopters over the sea.'

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