It could only happen in Wales, but My God Man has it happened!
History has been made at the Annual Male Voice Choir Awards where Bryn 'The Voice' Teflon-Williams has won the award single-handed!
Forty Two of the Country's finest choirs made the final, and towns and villages from all over Wales were represented, but the tiny town of
Your-Not-From-Round-Hyer-Areyou, near Cardiff, only has one male singer, Bryn.
Not to be outdone, he put himself forward, and was amazed as events unfolded. Bryn explained at the prize giving ceremony,
'Nowhere in the rules does it say anything about how many people a choir constitutes, I've got a lovely voice haven't I, so I thought, Bugger it, I'm going for it. It was touch and go through the early heats, but gradually people seemed to forget there was only me, and just listened to my voice.
To get to the final was a dream, especially against the Rhyl Massive, they really are a class act. I just thought I'd do it in a Barber-Shop style and go for it in a four part harmony. My Men Of Harlech brought the ruddy house down!'
Tom Jones, who was guest of honour said 'I've never seen anything like it. '