Health Ad Campaign U Turn

Funny story written by j.w.

Thursday, 30 December 2010

image for Health Ad Campaign U Turn
Government U Turn

As deaths mount due to swine flu, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has decided to relaunch advertising campaigns to make people more aware of flu injections for at risk groups. This comes days after the same Minister had suggested that Doctors were the best means of contacting people about swine flu risks and the need for injections.

But Lansley dismissed the U Turn allegation. 'It just got so bad, with 12 more deaths in a week' he said 'we put into action the ad campaign which had to come in the New Year after the money arrived in the Bank to pay for it.'

Health funding has been under pressure due to the cold weather causing a massive escalation in emergency treatment at Hospitals.

'You can't blame the Government for cold weather' pleaded Nick Clegg sent by the PM to explain Government policies 'we had de icers out on the road but the salt didn't work because of heavy snow. This meant we had to use up all the December budget. But now for January and the New Year we can pour money into swine flu advertising and save lives.'

A reporter asked if this was similar to the Government rethink on Sport in schools. 'We are extremely keen on sport in schools as our Queen pointed out at Christmas. It is part of our Big Society.'

'But wasn't there a society before you came along?' asked a reporter who had seen life.

'Oh yes' replied Clegg 'but we have pointed this out. The Big Society will be useful in taking over when we have to reduce expenditure further on services.'

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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