Cheryl Cole mosquito in Didier Drogba sting

Funny story written by queen mudder

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

image for Cheryl Cole mosquito in Didier Drogba sting
Was one of these was found in Cheryl's butt-crease?

London - (Ass Mess): Earlier this year it laid low Chelsea left back Ashley Cole's former missus, its toxic venom very nearly laying her out cold on live TV.

Now the pesky malaria-carrying mozzie has gone for Chelsea centre forward Didier Drogba, an infected bite on his gluteus maximus swelling up to the size of a melon.

Doctors at the London Hospital for Tropical Diseases say the two cases are unrelated.

But a distinctive smiley-face pattern around the bite mark appears to be identical - suggesting an accomplice at the very least if not a copycat sting op.

"Cheryl has not been sleeping with Didier Drogba," the singer's PR stressed today.

"Besides, even if she had - which of course she hasn't - it's hardly likely she'd have brought the bastard insect along with her into the sack.....just to nip Didi in the butt for no reason."

Derek Hough is 69.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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