After the famous victory at Dunkirk and the amazing passage through the first round of the World Cup in South Africa, it was difficult for Prime Minister, David Cameron to come any where near these great epic events. But he has done it.
The victory by almost 0-3 at the EU Summit had the PM in ecstasy. 'I told them not to mess with me' he babbled excitedly 'and they they only got three past me. As a got a finger tip to the third one it counts as 0.9.'
'But didn't you say it would 0-0?' asked a foolish hack.
'Everyone thought it would be 0-6' said Cameron 'but I would not allow that. With cuts and misery at home it could hardly be as bad abroad.'
The foolish hack would not see sense: 'Will your Party be happy with a 0-3 score line?'
'What sort of person are you? The public will relate to this and see what a tiger I am when facing the European foe.
It is not for me to say but I feel confident Churchill would have praised this 0-3 victory!'
'What about Mrs Thatcher?'
'Lay off the poor woman. She is not well but I will be seeing her shortly and we will celebrate my victory together, if it's the last thing she does.'